Starcraft remastered units
Starcraft remastered units

starcraft remastered units

I’m sure every player knows what a “Zerg Rush,” is and for good reason. They have the ability to create incredible numbers of units very quickly and can overwhelm enemies in a matter of minutes. Feared amongst veteran players, the Zerg can only create structures on the strange fleshy ground they produce, and the way they produce is pretty complex given their structures and soldiers are created through mutating drones. The Zerg are the most complex and potentially devastating, and to this day the only faction I have yet to master. Granted, they do possess a much wider air game more depth to their strategy in how their construction works.

starcraft remastered units

While their infantry soldiers are quite strong and possess Photon Shields, they are melee based, so you will lose a lot in an initial assault. The Protoss are a little more challenging, but still accessible as their structures need the Pylon power sources in order to operate and a well-placed attack on a Pylon can seriously disrupt an enemy’s production. Their units are usually equipped with guns giving them a range advantage and a fairly balanced air/ground game (although I still maintain they possess the most ludicrously overpowered units in the Ghosts). The Terran (the human soldiers) are simple to understand as their structures can be built on any surface and their units come in the standard infantry soldier design. I’ve always felt that the three races play as easy, normal, and hard difficulty modes respectively. They must gather two energy sources, Minerals and Vespene Gas, in order to construct buildings and units with which to wage war on their enemies. Players choose between one of three races: the Terran, the Protoss, or the Zerg each with their own unique units, abilities, and play-styles. While I can’t imagine any video game player worth their salt having never played the original Starcraft, it’s fairly cut and dry. Starcraft Remastered (PC) – images via Blizzard Entertainment.

Starcraft remastered units