They said that I should try to have a relationship with his racist ass parents (fuck no).

They said I should be more considerate of his feelings in my writing (he has the opportunity to read and discuss everything I write before I publish it…doesn’t mean I’ll change shit, but we can talk about it). They said that I shouldn’t talk about racism cuz it might upset him (he’s learned to hear, heal, and deal). They told me that he wouldn’t be with me if he was racist (they were wrong). Every time I questioned my S.O.’s racism, they defended him. I see Black people stepping in as shields for whiteness all the damn time.
I’m not free labor for him to use just cuz we’re married and that’s some shit he keeps needing to re-learn. And sometimes we butt heads because I won’t use my power to save him from himself. hasn’t had to do that and he directly benefits from these skills I’ve developed because I’ve had to.
We learn how to work with and around systems to survive. Many of the things we’ve accomplished are because I don’t know when to quit, and on more than one occasion he’d counted on me to fix some shit he fucked up.cuz that’s what survivors do. There are times where he fully benefits from my ambition and drive, characteristics that have been shaped and honed by this shit society that’s taught me to constantly have a plan B. My significant other (S.O.) doesn’t get an exception and at various times I find myself fighting the urge to act as sword and shield for his white ass, so I’m not exempt from criticism. But you better believe they fucking take advantage of it cuz it makes them feel “safe.” No exceptions. They can’t opt out of that benefit and at best they can use it to benefit those oppressed by it. Their ancestors ensured that the least they need to do is conform to ensure they continue benefiting from it. They are white and they benefit from white supremacy. Stop telling yourself that this one is fucking special or different cuz they aren’t. You can work to eliminate it, exploit it, even make them work for every fucking privilege they have around you but damnit, stop lying to yourself about it. Let that sink in and then make a fucking plan about what you’re going to do about it. If they are white, they actively benefit from racist policies, housing laws, law enforcement…they have systemic power over your Black ass and will use it the moment they feel you might think you’re equal to them. And stop fucking making them the fucking exception when it comes to their anti-Black, racist bullshit. Stop promoting their insults they claim is comedy. I’m talking to the Black people who stay throwing themselves on a grenade to save whiteness. You constantly inviting white people to the cookout Black folks. You fucking “ slavery was a choice” assholes. You “ let’s get both sides” after the police murder yet another Black person motherfuckers. All you “ It’s not a Black people thing” when you’re kicked out of Starbucks” Black people.